Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki

See also: Skills

A Skill Check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually in the face of some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, you can use a skill under more favorable circumstances and eliminate the luck factor.

Taking 10[]

When you're not in a rush and not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to Take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the Skill Check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10 (an average roll on a d20). For many relatively routine tasks, Taking 10 results in success.

Distractions, threats, and danger make it impossible for a character to Take 10. You also can't Take 10 when using a skill Untrained, though the GM may allow exceptions for truly routine activities.

For example, Rorworr the Wookiee has a Climb Skill modifier of +10. The steep, rocky slope he's climbing has a DC of 15. With a little care, he can Take 10 and succeed automatically. But partway up the slope, a bounty hunter begins taking blaster shots at him from up above. Rorworr needs to make a Climb check to reach the bounty hunter, and this time he can Take 10 only because of the Wookiees' ability to Take 10 on Climb checks while under pressure.

Taking 20[]

When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a Skill that can normally be checked in 1 round), and when the skill being attempted carries no penalty for failure, you can Take 20. Taking 20 represents making multiple rolls, assuming that eventually you will roll a 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the Skill Check, calculate the result as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 means you keep trying until you get it right. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long as making a single check.

For example, Rorworr comes to a cliff face. He Takes 10 to make the Climb, for a result of 20 (10 plus his +10 skill modifier). However, the DC is 23, and the GM tells him that he fails to make progress up the cliff. (His check result is at least high enough that he doesn't fall.) Rorworr can't Take 20 because there is a penalty associated with failure (falling, in this case).

Later, Rorworr finds a small bunker in the cliff-side and searches it. The GM notes in the Perception skill description that each 1-square area takes a Full-Round Action to search (and she secretly assigns a DC of 15 to the attempt). She estimates that the floors, walls, and ceiling of the bunker make up about twenty squares (about 45 square meters), so she tells Rorworr's player that it takes 2 minutes to search the whole bunker. Rorworr rolls 1d20 and adds his +5 skill modifier. The result of 11 fails.

Now Rorworr declares that he is going to search the whole bunker high and low, for as long as it takes. The GM takes the original time of 2 minutes and multiples it by 20, for 40 minutes. That's how long it takes Rorworr to search the whole bunker in exacting detail. Now Rorworr's player treats his roll as if it were a 20, for a result of 25. That's more than enough to beat the DC of 15, and Rorworr finds a Datapad discarded in a waste disposal unit.
