Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki

Pho Ph’eahians Species data created by Wikia user Droidscotty (Converted from its Ultimate Alien Anthology counterpart).

Pho Ph'eahians are rarely seen away from their homeworld, Pho Ph'eah. They bear apassing resemblance to Chadra-Fan, although their greater size, blue fur, and extra set of limbs quickly set them apart. Pho Ph'eahians inhabit the mountainous regions or their homeworld. Their four arms are ideal for scaling rocky crags, and their thick fur enables them to withstand cool temperatures.

When the Republic first made contact with the Pho Ph'eahians more than a thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the species had already developed nuclear fusion, repulsorlift technology, and spaceships with sublight drives. By dismantling and rebuilding hyperdrive-capable starships given to them by the Republic, the technically minded Pho Ph'eahians were able to build their own hyperdrive technology, making a few refinements along the way. Since harnessing the means to leave their home star system, Pho Ph'eahians have been encountered in every corner of the civilized galaxy. Corporations and spaceports, particularly in the Corporate Sector, frequently employ Pho Ph'eahians as engineers.

Pho Ph’eahians Characteristics

Personality: Most Pho Ph'eahians are outgoing and cheerful. They enjoy being the center of attention. They view their bodies as "sacred manifestations of the spirit" and clean themselves religiously to ensure that stains on their bodies do not become stains on their souls. Aside from their cheery dispositions and obsession with deadlines, Pho Ph'eahians are best known for their technical skils.

Physical Description: Pho Ph'eahians are a bipedal, four-armed humanoid species with bright blue fur and large fanlike ears. The average Pho Ph'eahian stands about 1.7 meters tall.

Age Groups: Pho Ph’eahians s age at the following stages:







1-11 Years

12-16 Years

17-45 Years

46-65 Years

66-84 Years

85+ Years

Homeworld: Pho Ph'eah, an Outer Rim world near the Corporate Sector. The planet's distant elliptical orbit keeps it far from its native sun most of the time. During these "dark" periods, the sun appears as a distant speck in Pho Ph'eah's sky, and the Pho Ph'eahians must rely on their thermal layer of fur to keep them warm.

Languages: Pho Ph'eahese is a sophisticated language of squeaks, squeals, and high-pitched barks. Written Pho Ph'eahese uses an intricate set of characters that represent single spoken syllables.

Example Names: Cho'ree, Darshev, Fe'heon, Garv, Le'shar, Lo'pho'r, Rova, Shev, Veerzan, Vo'ray, Braxis, b'Crevnis, Rhe Pabs, Phootie.

Adventurers: Pho Ph'eahians prefer to remain on their homeworld, though they have been attracted by lucrative jobs as Engineers and mechanics, especially throughout the Corporate Sector. Pho Ph'eahian heroes are usually Scoundrels or Technicians, although they can belong to any class.

Pho Ph’eahians Species Traits

Pho Ph’eahians share the following Species Traits:

  • Ability Modifiers: All Pho Ph’eahians  receive a +2 bonus to their Intelligence, but suffer -2 penalties to their Wisdom.
  • Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Pho Ph’eahians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Speed: Pho Ph’eahians have a base speed of 6 squares.
  • Artic Dweller: Pho Ph’eahians gain a +5 species bonus to Survival skill checks made in arctic environments.
  • Conditional Bonus Feat: A Pho Ph’eahians Trained in Mechanics receives the Skill Focus (Mechanics) Feat as a bonus Feat.
  • Extra Arms: Pho Ph’eahians can hold up to four items or Weapons at a time. This ability does not grant extra attacks; however, it does mean a Myneyrshi can wield two two-handed weapons at a time.
  • Automatic Languages: All Pho Ph’eahians can speak, read, and write Pho Ph'eahese.