Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Jedi Academy Training Manual

See also: Force Regimens

This difficult Training Regimen trains you to master environmental manipulation through The Force. You must first empty a glass bottle of air, creating a perfect vacuum inside. Then you must allow only oxygen to slip past the seal created by The Force, eventually filling the bottle with pure oxygen before placing the vac-seal stopper. This Force Regimen requires you to use The Force in a nearly molecular level, as well as the Sense aspect of The Force to determine what molecules are making their way into the bottle.

Time: 1 Hour

Targets: Self

Requirements: A glass bottle with a vac-seal stopper.

Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:

26-31 You fail to create a vacuum in the bottle before the regimen begins, resulting in an imperfect mixture. You gain a +2 Force bonus to your Fortitude Defense against inhaled Poisons and non-corrosive Atmospheric Hazards.
32-37 You create a vacuum in the bottle, but let other molecules enter through your Force seal, creating an imperfect mixture. You gain a +5 Force bonus to your Fortitude Defense against inhaled Poisons and non-corrosive Atmospheric Hazards.
38+ You complete this regimen perfectly, resulting in a bottle full of nothing but pure oxygen. You become immune to inhaled Poisons and non-corrosive Atmospheric Hazards.