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Hoth Planet data created by Wikia user CegeYajus.

See also: Galactic Gazetteer

Hoth is the sixth planet in the remote system of the same name. It is a world of snow and ice, surrounded by numerous moons. Small meteorites that have wandered away from a nearby asteroid field constantly pelt Hoth's icy surface.

Following their victory at the Battle of Yavin, the core of The Rebel Alliance had to relocate their primary headquarters. They eventually set up a new outpost, Echo Base, on the ice planet. The temperature extremes required a great deal of effort from Alliance technicians to keep all their vital supplies from freezing.

Hoth Statistics[]

Region: The Outer Rim

Climate: Frozen

Gravity: High Standard (110%)

Moons: 3

Length of Day: 23 Standard Hours

Length of Year: 549 Local Days

Sapient Species: None

Government: None

Capital: None

Major Exports: None

Major Imports: None

Knowledge (Life Sciences)
10 Hoth's orbit and axial tilt results in consistently icy weather patterns. Daytime temperatures reach levels unbearable to most Species and rarely rise above freezing, even in the planet's relatively mild equatorial regions. The gale force winds and intense snowstorms that regularly wrack the windswept surface magnifies the extreme cold of Hoth.
15 The frigid biosphere includes a minimal food chain: the predatory Wampas, the omnivorous Tauntauns, the herbivorous Hoth Hogs, a few rodent species, including snowmice and ice scrabblers, and iceworms, lichens, and Dragon slugs.
20 Hoth's surface is entirely covered by a frozen ocean, except where volcanic fissures open up steam vents, depositing rock and minerals in darker patches on the glacier plains. A few mountain ranges pierce the permanent ice shelves, some being geologically active. The tidal pull of Hoth's three nameless moons cause fissures in the ice-layers, sending jets of ocean water into the freezing Hoth air.
25 The intense cold froze these jets into spires of ice, suspending primitive ocean algae within these tall columns and glaciers. Massive oceanic currents beneath the southern hemisphere cause regular seismic activity, resulting in a constantly shifting landscape of caves and tunnels.
30 Buried deep in Hoth's equatorial region is a fissure, reaching hundreds of meters towards the core of the planet. In this area never exposed to Hoth's blue-white sun was a cache of lumni-spice, a rare fungal growth.
Knowledge (Galactic Lore)
15 While still relatively unknown, Hoth is a destination for ice-boarding and hover-skiing enthusiasts, who could visit Hoth traveling with Star Tours. Hoth is occasionally visited by pirates and smugglers who take advantage of it's remote location, using the ice planet as a base. 
20 The Rebellion operated out of Echo Base for about one year before it was discovered by the Empire in 3 ABY. The Battle of Hoth ensued between the two forces, resulting in a crushing Rebel defeat.
