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A droid is a kind of intelligent robot, a mechanical automaton electronically programmed to act, think, and behave in a certain way.

Droids facilitate various tasks that organic beings find tedious, difficult, or hazardous. They are typically fashioned in the likeness of their creators or in a utilitarian design that stresses function. Their usefulness makes them a common sight on nearly every inhabited world in the galaxy. They provide assistance, advice, and sometimes even friendship to trillions of sentient beings on a daily basis.

A Droid's Life

Droids are usually property, bought and sold like any other piece of equipment. Although some droid owners come to think of their droids as friends, the fact remains that droids are programmed to serve whoever is designated as their master. To the vast majority of droids, the concept of droid independence is unthinkable. Without someone to command them, what would they do?

Even so, ownership and control are two very different things. Droids must do what they are commanded to do to the best of their ability, but their programming dictates how they accomplish their orders. Ordered to find a replacement part for an X-wing, a droid might commence a systematic search of the repair bay, then the docking facility, then the neighborhood, then the countryside, and so on- all while thinking its actions are perfectly logical. Droids often need very specific instructions to do what their masters command, in a manner meeting their master's expectations.

Occasionally, events conspire to lead a droid to independence. These so-called "self-owned" droids are few, but not as rare as many believe. One might hear stories of droids that escape their masters after years of abuse, or of an entire line of droids that manifest violent personalities as the result of a programming glitch. However, independent droids are rarely haywire, rampaging killers. Independent droids often enter into partnerships organic beings, particularly on worlds where a lone droid without a master draws a lot of unwanted attention. Independent droids sometimes even seek each other out, hoping to find strength and security in numbers. Some independent droids are thrust into the unlikely role of hero, helping to defend the galaxy from the depredations of evil as personified by the likes of the Empire and the Yuuzhan Vong.

Creating a Droid Hero

If you want to play a droid as a hero, you can either play an existing droid from this section or create your own unique droid hero. Droid heroes are assumed either to be "self-owned" or to be owned by another player character (With the approval of both the Gamemaster and the player in question). Even if owned by another member of the party, the Gamemaster should ensure that the owner does not abuse their authority by giving unreasonable or unwanted orders to the other player's droid character. A droid player character should be treated the same as any other player character, and in most cases it is best to give suggestions or advice instead of actual orders. (In fact, most droid heroes have a Heuristic Processor so that they can creatively interpret orders and thus justify acting as they wish.)

When you decide to play a droid hero, you'll have to pack out a few details about what type of droid your character will be. This is the equivalent of picking a Species for a non-droid character.

Option 1: Playing a Custom Droid

You can play a droid of your own design. The only choices you have to make are choosing your degree, size, and accessories, and assigning your Ability Scores. Once you have taken note of these details on your character sheet, continue with Character Generation normally.

Determining Ability Scores

Droid characters determine their Ability Scores the same way non-droid characters do. However, droids do not have Constitution scores because they are not actually living beings; they only need scores for their five remaining Abilities. You can determine your Ability Scores in one of the following ways:

  • Rolling: Roll 4d6 five times, discarding the lowest die each time. Add up the remaining three dice and assign the result to any one of your five Abilities.
  • Planned Generation: All of your Ability Scores start at 8, and you have 21 points to spend to increase them. (Refer to the Planned Generation table in the section Abilities.)
  • Standard Score Package: The standard score package for droid heroes is 15, 14, 13, 12, and 10. Assign these five scores to your five Abilities as you see fit.


Droids are classified by degree, reflecting the types of tasks they typically perform. Generally, 1st-degree droids are medical and analytical droids, 2nd-degree droids are mechanical and technical droids, 3rd-degree droids are protocol and domestic droids, 4th-degree droids are security and battle droids, and 5th-degree droids are labor and utility droids. A droid's function does not have to match it's degree, but this is uncommon.

Pick a degree (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th) for your droid. This determines your Ability Score modifiers, as shown in the table below. For example, a 3rd-degree protocol droid increases it's Wisdom and Charisma scores by 2 and reduces it's Strength score by 2.

1st +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str Medical, Scientific
2nd +2 Int, -2 Cha Astromech, Technical
3rd +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str Protocol, Service
4th +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha Combat, Security
5th +4 Str, -4 Int, -4 Cha Labor, Utility


You can choose to play a medium or small droid. Droids of other sizes exist, but hey are controlled by the GM.

A droid's size determines it's Ability modifiers, it's size bonus to Reflex Defense, it's size bonus on Stealth checks, adjustments to hit points and Damage Threshold, it's Carrying Capacity, and it's cost factor as shown in the table below.

Medium: Player character droids of medium size have no special modifiers because of their size. They have a Walking Locomotion System and a speed of 12 meters.

Small: Player character droids of small size apply the following Ability Score modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength. They have a Tracked Locomotion System and a speed of 8 meters. Small droids gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and Carrying Capacity limits are three-quarters of those of medium characters.

Cost Factor: A droid's cost factor is used to calculate the cost of the droid and some droid systems. Particularly large droids can be very expensive, but particularly small droids are not any cheaper due to the expenses associated with miniaturization. Droids that are Small size or smaller treat their cost factor as being equal to half their Cost Factor for the purposes of determining accessory weight.

Colossal +32 Str, -4 Dex -10 -20 +100 +50 x20 x20
Gargantuan +24 Str, -4 Dex -5 -15 +50 +20 x10 x10
Huge +16 Str, -4 Dex -2 -10 +20 +10 x5 x5
Large +8 Str, -2 Dex -1 -5 +10 +5 x2 x2
Medium None +0 +0 - - x1 x1
Small -2 Str, +2 Dex +1 +5 - - x0.75 x2
Tiny -4 Str, +4 Dex +2 +10 - - x0.5 x5
Diminutive -6 Str, +6 Dex +5 +15 - - x0.25 x10
Fine -8 Str, +8 Dex +10 +20 - - x0.01 x20

Class and Level

You are 1st-level in one heroic class (Noble, Scoundrel, Scout, Soldier, or Technician) of your choice. You cannot choose the Jedi or Force Prodigy classes.

Systems and Accessories

You have a Heuristic Processor and two arm appendages.

You may spend up to 1,000 credits on additional locomotion systems, appendages, and accessories as you see fit. As with standard Droid models, your starting Locomotion, Appendages, and Accessories do not count against your Carrying Capacity. You do not get to keep any left over credits, but you still gain the appropriate starting credits according to your Class.

Droid Traits

All droid characters have certain traits in common as discussed in Droid Traits below.

Option 2: Playing a Standard Droid Model

If you wish to forego creating your own custom droid, you can always play one of the stock models found later in the chapter. If you use this option, you do not roll for Ability Scores; instead, you automatically have the Ability Scores listed for the selected model of droid. The droid you select must meet the following criteria, and you may modify the stock model as noted here.

Size: You can only be a small or medium size.

Processor: You cannot have a Remote Processor, so you must install a Basic Processor or Heuristic Processor if the selected model of droid does not normally include one.

Class and Level: The droid you select can have no more than three levels in the Nonheroic class or one level in any Heroic class. If the droid you select has only one or two levels in the Nonheroic class, you may choose to add one level in a Heroic class of your choice; this adds 1,500 credits to your droid's final cost.

You begin play with the minimum number of Experience Points necessary for your character level. For example, a 2nd-level Nonheroic/1st-level Scoundrel would begin play with 3,000 XP.

Final Cost: The final cost of your droid, including any necessary adjustments for a processor or adding a level in a Heroic class, cannot exceed 5,000 credits. You may add accessories or replace systems as you see fit as long as your final cost remains within this limit. You do not get to keep any unspent credits, but you still gain the appropriate starting credits according to your Class.

Traits: All droid characters have certain traits in common as discussed in Droid Traits below.

Once you have made all necessary adjustments and noted these details on your character sheet, continue with Character Creation normally.

Droid Traits

Droids share the following basic traits:

  • Abilities: Droids are nonliving entities, so they do not have Constitution scores. Droids can increase any two of their five remaining Ability Scores by +1 each at 4th level and every four levels thereafter, just like any other character. These increases represent improved heuristics and algorithms that the droid has developed from experience as well as upgrades to it's components undertaken as part of routine maintenance. Droid Ability Modifiers are determined by their degree and size. A droid can never have an Ability Score less than 1, regardless of modifications.
  • Behavioral Inhibitors: Droids (Except 4th-degree droids) cannot intentionally harm a sentient living being or knowingly allow a sentient living being to be harmed. Furthermore, all droids must follow orders given to them by their rightful owners, as long as those orders don't require the droid to harm a sentient living being. Droids with Heuristic Processors can sometimes violate these restrictions by creatively interpreting their behavioral inhibitors.
  • Ion Damage Vulnerability: As electronic constructs, droids are vulnerable to damage from Ion Weapons. Generally, Ion Weapons have the same effects on droids that Stun Weapons have on living beings.
  • Maintenance: Droids do not sleep, eat, or breath. However, they do need to enter shutdown mode and recharge for 1 hour after 100 hours of operation. If a droid fails to do so, it must make an Endurance check each hour (DC 10, +1 per additional hour after the first) or move -1 persistent step along the Condition Track. This persistent condition can only be removed by the droid recharging for 1 hour.
  • Memory: A droid's Trained Skills, Feats, and Talents can be reassigned with the Use Computer skill. A droid hero can use it's own Use Computer skill to perform this reprogramming, but it takes a -5 penalty on it's Skill Check. If a droid is ever subjugated to a complete memory wipe, it becomes a basic model of it's type, losing any levels and abilities gained.
  • Nonliving: A droid is immune to poison, disease, radiation, noncorrosive atmospheric hazards, vacuum, mind-affecting effects, stunning effects, and any other effect that only works on living targets. Droids have no connection to the Force and can't gain the Force Sensitivity feat, or learn Force Powers. Droids do not have a Constitution score, so they don't get bonus hit points for having a high Constitution, and they apply their Strength modifier to their Fortitude Defense. Unlike living beings, droids don't "die," but they can be disabled or destroyed. If a droid is reduced to 0 hit points, it is disabled and cannot be reactivated until it is repaired so that it has at least 1 hit point. If the attack that reduced the droid to 0 hit points also exceeds the droid's Damage Threshold, the droid is destroyed instead. A destroyed droid cannot be repaired or salvaged. Droids do not gain an ability bonus to Constitution-based Skill Checks and may not take Feats or Talents with a Constitution prerequisite.
  • Repair: Droids can regain lost hit points only through the use of the Mechanics skill. A droid can use this Skill to repair itself, but it takes a -5 penalty on it's Skill Check.
  • Shut Down: A droid that is shut down can take no actions and is effectively unconscious. Shutting down a willing droid is a Standard Action. Shutting down an unwilling droid is more difficult, requiring you to Grab the droid, and then make a Mechanics check (DC = droid's Will Defense) as a Standard Action while it's grabbed. You cannot shut down an unwilling droid with Locked Access unless it is disabled or otherwise helpless.
  • Skills: Droids normally cannot use any Skill untrained except for Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, and Perception. A droid with a Heuristic Processor ignores this limitation.
  • Systems: Droids can have many of their characteristics changed by installing or replacing existing systems.
  • Automatic Languages: Binary plus one language chosen by the designer (Usually Basic).

Droid Systems

Unlike characters and creatures, droids are essentially collections of different equipment called systems. A droids' systems can be upgraded, replaced, and modified many times throughout a droid's operational lifetime. A droid system falls into one of four categories: Locomotion, Processors, Appendages, and Accessories.


All droids begin with a base movement speed determined by their locomotion system. Droids can have more than one locomotion system. Add 500 x the droid's cost factor for the second locomotion system, 1,000 x the droid's cost factor for the third, 2,000 x the droid's cost factor for the fourth, 5,000 x the droid's cost factor for the fifth.

Restricted Locomotion System

The cost of a droid's locomotion system can be reduced by placing limitations on it's use. The two types of restrictions are Exclusive and Limited. A restricted locomotion system costs only one-tenth the normal cost.


The types of appendages a droid has determines how well it is able to touch, hold, lift, carry, push, pull, or place objects. A limb that isn't used for locomotion or balance has one of the following types of appendages: Probe, Instrument, Tool, Claw, or Hand.

Droids can use their appendages to make unarmed attacks. The damage dealt by an unarmed attack depends on the droid's size and the type of appendage. The table below lists the base Unarmed damage; remember to apply the droid's Strength modifier to this base damage. A droid can have any number of appendages, but this does not increase the number of actions or attacks the droid can make in a round.

Fine - - - - -
Diminutive - - - 1 -
Tiny - - 1 1d2 1
Small - 1 1d2 1d3 1d2
Medium 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d3
Large 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d4
Huge 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d6
Gargantuan 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 1d8
Colossal 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 2d6


A droid can't perform any functions without it's processor (Also known as a Droid Brain), which contains all the basic information the droid needs to move it's appendages, travel from place to place, behave in a certain way, and so on. A droid's Intelligence score reflects the quality of it's processor. Low-intelligence droids tend to specialize in single tasks that require no deductive capability. High-intelligence droids are considerably more versatile- and more expensive.

Behavioral Inhibitors

Even without a restraining bolt or periodic memory wipes, most droids operate according to a rigid set of guidelines. A droid's core programming- the part of it's memory that can't be wiped- provides it with strict instructions on how to react to common circumstances, most of witch revolve around obedience, safety, ethics, and morality. These instructions are the droid's behavioral inhibitors.

The most common restriction coded into a droid's memory is the notion that it can't harm a sentient living being or, through inaction, allow a sentient living being to come to harm. (Fourth Degree droids do not have this restriction.) Droids are under similar strictions not to allow themselves to be harmed unless specifically ordered to do so. Of course, droids are also hardwired to obey the commands of their designated masters. When a master's orders conflict with the droid's behavioral inhibitors, the droid is required to inform it's master immediately.


A basic model droid comes with factory-preset Skills and a certain set of Trained Skills, Feats, and sometimes Talents. These factory-presets are embedded in the droid's core programming and cannot be altered, but many droids have one or more Trained Skills left unassigned so that they can easily be programmed for their specific duties. Unassigned Skills, as well as Feats and Talents gained through level advancement can be altered through reprogramming.

Reprogramming a droid requires a Use Computer check (DC = droid's Will Defense) and 30 minutes of uninterrupted work. Reprogramming Feats and Talents are more difficult, so you take a -5 penalty on your Use Computer check. Furthermore, Feats and Talents can only be reprogrammed if they are neither a requirement for any of the droid's Prestige Classes nor a prerequisite for any Feat or Talent the droid retains. As always, a droid must meet all prerequisites for any replacement Feats or Talents. A Droid can only have Talents it is eligible for based on it's Classes; thus, a Droid with 5 levels in the Soldier Class could only be Reprogrammed with 3 Talents that can be taken by Soldiers (Soldier levels 1, 3, and 5). A Droid with 5 levels of Soldier and 3 levels of Scoundrel could be Reprogrammed with 3 Soldier Talents and 2 Scoundrel Talents. Reprogramming requires that the droid be shut down for the duration of the procedure (Or see "Droid Self-Programming" below).

To reprogram a Skill, the programmer must be trained in that Skill or purchase a skill package (100 credits). To reprogram a Feat or Talent, the programmer must either have that Feat or Talent, or purchase a feat or talent package (1,000 credits).

If the droid's owner is unable to do the reprogramming themselves, they can hire a professional programmer to do the task for them. The standard cost of hiring a programmer is (Droid's Will Defense squared) x 10 credits for a Skill, or 10 times this amount for a Feat or Talent. This cost includes any necessary Skill, Feat, or Talent package.

Droid Self-Programming

A droid trained in the Use Computer skill may attempt to reprogram itself. However, the droid must have the appropriate Skill, Feat, or Talent package to do so, and it takes a -5 penalty on it's Use Computer skill check. A droid attempting to self-reprogram does not have to be shut down, but it is helpless and unable to take any actions until the attempt is completed.

Memory Wipes

Although intelligent droids consider it frightful and ghoulish and heroic droids regard it as a fat worse than death, the memory wipe is a fact of existence for most droids. It's primary purpose is to eradicate personality quirks that distinguish an independent droid.

Wiping a droid's memory requires a successful Use Computer check against the droid's Will Defense. The droid must be shut down to perform the memory wipe.

A memory wipe erases one class level per minute. A complete memory wipe reduces a droid to a basic model with no personality quirks and no class abilities. For example, a 3PO Series protocol droid that had been a 1st-level Nonheroic/4th-level Scoundrel becomes a 1st-level Nonheroic basic model after a 4-minute memory wipe, losing it's Scoundrel levels and all corresponding benefits.

Downloading and Restoring Memory

Unlike organic beings, droids have a form of mechanical immortality: If a droid's programming is saved to a computer system, and a new chassis and droid brain can be bought or found, others can attempt to load it's memory into the new droid and reactivate the droid.

A successful Use Computer check is required to transfer a droid's programming into a new chassis. The DC for the Use Computer checks depends on the type of new chassis being used:

Chassis Type DC
Same Model 20
Different Model, Same Degree 25
Different Model, Different Degree 35

Each time the transfer is attempted, the droid must make a DC 15 Intelligence check. A failed check indicates that the droid's memory suffers corruption: a permanent reduction of 1d6 Intelligence points. The corrupted programming can't be repaired; if the droid's Intelligence modifier decreases because of corruption, the droid's Trained Skills must be reduced accordingly. The droid also loses access to Feats that have an Intelligence prerequisite higher than the droid's new Intelligence score.

A droid successfully transferred into another droid of the same model resumes functioning as it was before the transfer, retaining all Ability Scores, Class Levels, Skills, Feats, and Talents.

A droid successfully transferred into a different model adopts the Strength and Dexterity of the new model but keeps it's previous Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The droid retains it's Trained Skills, although skill modifiers based on Strength and Dexterity might need adjusting. Finally, the droid losses one Class Level (Including all associated Talents and Feats) as it has to reprogram and adept it's memory and sensory inputs for the new chassis.


Any miscellaneous system that does not fall under one of the above categories can be considered an accessory. Accessories add functions or improve existing systems on a droid, making them more capable and efficient.

Cost and Weight: Sometimes a droid accessory has a flat cost or weight. Often the cost and/or weight is determined by multiplying a base number by a droid's cost factor, witch is determined by the droid's size.

Availability: Some droid accessories have limited availability or are strictly regulated, as described in Restricted Items.


Droids can be equipped with built-in armor that provides an armor bonus to Reflex Defense. Bipedal droids with two hand appendages can also wear armor designed for humanoid creatures; however, the armor bonus granted by built-in armor does not stack with the armor bonus provided by worn armor.

Speed: A droid with built-in light, medium, or heavy armor takes no penalty to it's speed.

Armor Check Penalty: a droid with built-in armor takes an Armor Check Penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. The type of armor worn determines the size of the penalty: light, -2; medium, -5; heavy, -10. A droid with the appropriate Armor Proficiency feat negates these penalties.

Maximum Dexterity Bonus: Built-in droid armor has a Maximum Dexterity Bonus, just like normal armor.

Availability: Some armors have limited availability.

  • Rare: This armor is rarely for sale on the open market. The price of the armor on the black market is usually double the listed cost.
  • Licensed, Restricted, Military, or Illegal: Ownership of the armor is limited or strictly regulated, as described in Restricted Items.

Running in Heavy Armor: When running in heavy armor, a droid can only move up to three times it's speed (Instead of four times).


All droids are capable of emitting the sounds necessary to speak Binary, a language used by droids and computers to quickly transmit large amounts of of information.

Hardened Systems

Droids of Large or greater size can be designed to have internal armor and redundant systems that enable it to continue functioning despite heavy damage. This is represented by a multiplier that increases the bonus hit points and Damage Threshold based on the droid's size. For example, a Large droid with hardened systemsx3 would have +30 hit points and a +15 bonus to it's Damage Threshold instead of the usual +10 hit points and +5 bonus to it's Damage Threshold.

Internal Storage

The droid has a certain amount of open space in it's chassis, allowing for the addition of new internal compartments for carried items. Droids of Tiny size or smaller cannot have internal storage.

For every 50 credits spent, the droid can carry 1 kg of material or Equipment in internal storage. A droid's size determines the maximum weight of items stored in internal storage, as noted below:

Small 5 kg
Medium 10 kg
Large 20 kg
Huge 50 kg
Gargantuan 500 kg
Colossal 5,000 kg


Sensors allow the droid to perceive it's surroundings. Most droids are equipped with a standard sensor array that gives them the visual and auditory acuity of an average Human. For an additional cost, a droid can be outfitted with an Improved Sensor Package or with Darkvision.

Shield Generator

The droid is fitted with a deflector shield generator- the same type mounted on starships. Whenever the droid would take damage, reduce the damage by the droid's shield rating (SR). If the damage is equal to or greater than the droid's shield rating, the droid's shield rating is reduced by 5. By spending three Swift Actions on the same or consecutive rounds, the droid may make a DC 20 Endurance check to restore lost shield power. If the check succeeds, the droid's shield rating increases by 5 points (Up to it's normal shield rating).

Due to the size and energy requirements of shield generators, only droids of Small size or larger can be equipped with a SR 10 generator. Only droids of Medium size or larger can be equipped with a SR 15 generator. Only droids of Large or bigger size can be equipped with a SR 20 generator.

Translator Unit

The droid is equipped with a device that allows it to understand and convey information in a variety of languages, including nonverbal ones. When the droid experiences a form of communication for the first time, it makes an Intelligence check to determine whether it can identify and understand the language. The DC is based on the translator unit's database, with the better units having a lower DC.

Purchase Droid Systems

The tables below have been grouped together for convenience.

Walking 8 Meters 12 Meters 16 Meters 10 x Cost Factor x (Speed/2) Squared
Wheeled 12 Meters 16 Meters 20 Meters 5 x Cost Factor x (Speed/2) Squared
Tracked 8 Meters 12 Meters 16 Meters 20 x Cost Factor x (Speed/2) Squared
Hovering 12 Meters 12 Meters 12 Meters 100 x Cost Factor x (Speed/2) Squared
Flying 8 Meters 24 Meters 24 Meters 200 x Cost Factor x (Speed/2) Squared
Stationary 0 Meters 0 Meters 0 Meters 0
Extra Legs Special Special Special Locomotion System Cost x 2
Jump Servos Special Special Special Locomotion System Cost x 2
Magnetic Feet Special Special Special Locomotion System Cost x 2
Claw 20 x Cost Factor (5 x Cost Factor) kg
Hand 50 x Cost Factor (5 x Cost Factor) kg
Instrument 5 x Cost Factor (1 x Cost Factor) kg
Probe 2 x Cost Factor (0.5 x Cost Factor) kg
Tool 10 x Cost Factor (2 x Cost Factor) kg
Climbing Claws Appendage Cost x 2 -
Telescopic Appendage Appendage Cost x 2 (Normal Weight x 2) kg
Stabilized Mount Appendage Cost x 5 (Normal Weight x 5) kg
Basic Processor 0 5 kg -
Heuristic Processor 2,000 5 kg -
Remote Processor
5-km Range Processor 1,000 10 kg -
50-km Range Processor 10,000 100 kg -
500-km Range Processor 100,000 1,000 kg Military
5,000-km Range Processor 1,000,000 10,000 kg Military
Remote Receiver -500 1 kg -
Backup Processor 100 - -
Synchronized Fire Circuits 150 1 kg Military
Restraining Bolt 5 - -
Plasteel Shell 400 x Cost Factor +2 +5 (2 x Cost Factor) kg -
Quadanium Shell 900 x Cost Factor +3 +4 (3 x Cost Factor) kg -
Durasteel Shell 1,600 x Cost Factor +4 +4 (8 x Cost Factor) kg -
Quadanium Plating 2,500 x Cost Factor +5 +3 (10 x Cost Factor) kg Licensed
Durasteel Plating 3,600 x Cost Factor +6 +3 (12 x Cost Factor) kg Licensed
Quadanium Battle Armor 4,900 x Cost Factor +7 +3 (7 x Cost Factor) kg Restricted
Duranium Plating 6,400 x Cost Factor +8 +2 (16 x Cost Factor) kg Restricted
Durasteel Battle Armor 9,600 x Cost Factor +8 +3 (8 x Cost Factor) kg Restricted
Mandalorian Steel Shell 8,100 x Cost Factor +9 +3 (9 x Cost Factor) kg Military, Rare
Duranium Battle Armor 10,000 x Cost Factor +10 +2 (10 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Neutronium Plating 12,100 x Cost Factor +11 +1 (20 x Cost Factor) kg Military

* When running in heavy armor, a droid can only move up to three times it's speed (Instead of four times).

Internal Comlink 250 0.1 kg
Vocabulator 50 0.5 kg
Droid Caller 10 0.2 kg
Hardened Systems
Hardened Systems x2 1,000 x Cost Factor (100 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Hardened Systems x3 2,500 x Cost Factor (250 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Hardened Systems x4 4,000 x Cost Factor (400 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Hardened Systems x5 6,250 x Cost Factor (650 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Compartment Space (Per Kilogram) 50 - -
Diagnosis Package 250 4 kg -
Spring-Loaded Mechanism 150 3 kg -
Locked Access 50 - Licensed
Secondary Battery 400 4 kg -
Self-Destruct System Maximum Damage x 20 (Maximum Damage x 0.1) kg Restricted
Improved Sensor Package 200 2.5 kg
Darkvision 150 1.5 kg
Shield Generators
SR 5 2,500 x Cost Factor (10 x Cost Factor) kg Military
SR 10 5,000 x Cost Factor (20 x Cost Factor) kg Military
SR 15 7,500 x Cost Factor (30 x Cost Factor) kg Military
SR 20 10,000 x Cost Factor (40 x Cost Factor) kg Military
Translator Units
DC 20 200 1 kg
DC 15 500 2 kg
DC 10 1,000 4 kg
DC 5 2,000 8 kg

Modifying Droids

A droid can be modified to carry additional Equipment simply by attaching the new Equipment to the droid's chassis and connecting the new component to the droid's processor. Adding Equipment increases the droid's weight. Droids suffer from encumbrance penalties the same way organics characters do: they slow down. Adding, removing, or replacing the systems on a droid requires a Mechanics check, the DC set by the type of system.

  • Locomotion: DC 25 Mechanics check, representing 1 day of work.
  • Processor: DC 20 Use Computer check and DC 20 Mechanics check, representing 1 day of work.
  • Appendage: DC 20 Mechanics check, representing 1 hour of work.
  • Accessory: DC 15 Mechanics check, representing 1 hour of work.
  • Tool, Weapon, or Instrument Mounted on Appendage: DC 15 Mechanics check, representing 10 minutes of work. You take a -5 penalty on your Mechanics check when installing a weapon on a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 5th Degree droid.
  • Self-Modification: A droid may install or replace a locomotion system, appendage, or accessory on itself, but it takes a -5 penalty on it's Mechanics checks. A droid cannot replace or install a processor on itself.

Droid Models

The following sample droids are presented as basic models, in their factory-preset state. The Trained Skills and Feats possessed by a basic model represent the droid's core programming- characteristics the droid maintains even after being subjected to a Memory Wipe.

2-1B Medical Droid 1st-Degree Yes
2-1B Medical Droid
R2 Series Astromech Droid 2nd-Degree Yes
R2 Series Astromech Droid
3PO Series Protocol Droid 3rd-Degree Yes
3PO Series Protocol Droid
B1 Series Battle Droid 4th-Degree No
B1 Series Battle Droid
B2 Series Super Battle Droid 4th-Degree Yes
B2 Series Super Battle Droid
Droideka Series Destroyer Droid 4th-Degree No
Droideka Series Destroyer Droid
Dwarf Spider Droid 4th-Degree No
Dwarf Spider Droid
Crab Droid Scout 4th-Degree No
Crab Droid Scout
IG-100 Series MagnaGuard 4th-Degree No
IG-100 Series MagnaGuard-0
Viper Series Probe Droid 4th-Degree No
Viper Series Probe Droid
ASP Labor Droid 5th-Degree Yes
ASP Labor Droid

Additional Droid Models

The following new Droid models include all Droid models found in the Star Wars Saga Edition ad-ons.

1st-Degree Droid Models
BL-39 Interrogator Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
BL-39 Interrogator Droid
DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
DD-13 Medical Assistant Droid
ET-74 Communications Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
ET-74 Communications Droid
EW-3 Midwife Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
EW-3 Midwife Droid
FX-7 Medical Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
FX-7 Medical Droid
IM-6 Medical Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
IM-6 Medical Droid
PI-Series Medical Assistant Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
PI-Series Medical Assistant Droid
SP-4 Analysis Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
SP-4 Analysis Droid
3Z3 Medical Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
3Z3 Medical Droid
2nd-Degree Droid Models
Aratech GO-TO Infrastructure-Planning Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Aratech GO-TO Infrastructure-Planning Droid
FEG-Series Pilot Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
FEG-Series Pilot Droid
Holocam Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
Holocam Droid
LE-Series Repair Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
File:LE-Series Repair Droid.jpg
Pit Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
Pit Droid
P2-Series Astromech Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
P2-Series Astromech Droid
Roving Eye Observation Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
Roving Eye Observation Droid
R4-Series Agromech Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
R4-Series Agromech Droid
T3-Series Utility Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
T3-Series Utility Droid
WED Treadwell Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
WED Treadwell
3rd-Degree Droid Models
AS23 Aerial Survey Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions Image Unavailable
GE3-Series Protocol Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
GE3-Series Protocol Droid
GG-Series Hospitality Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
GG-Series Hospitality Droid
LOM-Series Protocol Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
LOM-Series Protocol Droid
5YQ-Series Protocol Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
5YQ-Series Protocol Droid
4th-Degree Droid Models
Aggressor-Series Battle Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide Image Unavailable
BCA-11/X Lightsaber Practice Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
BCA-11X Lightsaber Practice Droid
BT-16 Perimeter Security Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
BT-16 Perimeter Security Droid
Devastator War Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Devastator War Droid
DSH-3 Probe Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions Image Unavailable
HK-Series Assassin Droids No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
File:HK-Series Assassin Droids.png
HT Drone No Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
HT Drone
IG-86 Sentinel Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
IG-86 Sentinel Droid
Independent HK-Series Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Independent HK-Series Droid
IX-6 Heavy Combat Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
IX-6 Heavy Combat Droid
Juggernaut War Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Juggernaut War Droid
K-X12 Probe Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
K-X12 Probe Droid
LON-29 Battle Droid Commander No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
LON-29 Battle Droid Commander
LV8-Series Guard Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
LV8-Series Guard Droid
Patrol Droid Mark I No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Patrol Droid Mark I
RHTC-560 Hunter Trainer No Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Sourcebook
RHTC-560 Hunter Trainer
Sentinel Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Sentinel Droid
Z65 Patrol Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
Z65 Patrol Droid
5th-Degree Droid Models
CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter No Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter
FA-5 Valet Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
FA-5 Valet Droid
F1 Exploration Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions
F1 Exploration Droid
HV-7 Loading Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide
HV-7 Loading Droid
IW-37 Pincer Loader Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide
IW-37 Pincer Loader Droid
MerenData S6-Series Security/Maintenance Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
MerenData S6-Series SecurityMaintenance Droid
MULE Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions
MULE Droid
Serv-O-Droid R-8009 Utility Droid Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Serv-O-Droid R-8009 Utility Droid
T1 Bulk Loader Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
T1 Bulk Loader Droid
Wanderer Scout Surveyor Droid No Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions
Wanderer Scout Surveyor Droid
WED-20 Treadwell Yes Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions
WED-20 Treadwell