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Dowutin Species data created by Wikia user Darthauthor.


The Dowutins are a long-lived Species of muscle-bound humanoids. So extensive are their lifespans. in fact. it is said that no Dowutin has ever died of old age, instead failing in battle or succumbing to the many perils of Dowut. Whether this is true or a myth perpetuated by Dowutin boasting is difficult to say. It is certain, however, that Dowutins are among the strongest and toughest sentients in the galaxy. For these reasons, they are highly sought as soldiers, mercenaries, and bodyguards. However, Dowutin arrogance is often just as immense, and few condescend to serve what they perceive as weaker beings.

Dowutins prize physical strength and vigor, but in a very different way than most sentient species. For a Dowutin. strength and even combat training are not matters of pride, but matters of pragmatism; on Dowut, those with strength and skill get the resources and respect they are due. Many Dowutins who leave their homeworld are surprised and confused by the criteria the rest of the galaxy uses to assign authority, political power, and leadership positions. More than one Dovvutin has had difficulty adapting and found themselves in deep trouble for it.

Most Dowutins are solitary by choice, although this does not stop a Dowutin from joining forces with others when expedient. Rare, however, are Dowutins who stoop to taking orders from beings smaller or weaker than themselves. Many sentients who find themselves working with Dowutins learn to frame directives as suggestions or even questions, even when they are technically or practically in a position to issue orders or guidance. In some cases, others find it necessary to leave Dowutins under the impression they are in charge, if for no other reason than to keep operations running smoothly.

Dowutin Characteristics[]

Personality: Dowutins have a reputation for being unfriendly, even irritable. Although deserved, this too stems from the Species' unusual perspective. Dowutins are as direct in their speech as in any other undertaking, and most have no qualms against speaking the truth as they see it, no matter how harsh it might be. A typical Dowutin simply does not see the point in mincing words. Obfuscation and deception, even to avoid giving offense, complicate matters and cause problems. Many who interact with Dowutins also assume the Species incapable of humor. Although this is not strictly true. Dowutins rarely suffer fools. The sorts of misunderstandings, mishaps, ironies, and even quips that others might find amusing, a typical Dowutin sees only as annoying.

Physical Description: Dowutins are large, aggressive-looking humanoids with chin horns, sharp claws, and thick skin commonly brown in color. Dowutins never stopped growing and by their fifth century were typically so massive that their loud footsteps could be heard before the became visible.

Age Groups: Dowutins age at the following stages:

1-19 Years 20-49 Years 50-499 Years 500-649 Years 650-719 Years 720+ Years

Homeworld: The Dowutin are native to the frigid planet of Dowut near The Unknown Regions.

Languages: Dowuta consists of deep, booming vocalizations and was considered difficult for members of other species to emulate.

Example Names: Grummgar, Johnair, Masana Tide, Pan Eyta.

Adventurers: Dowutins are well known for their work as mercenaries and gladiatorial work. Dowutin Soldiers and Scouts are prolific, as are Force-sensitive Jedi. Scoundrel and Force Prodigy Dowutins are far less common, and Dowutin Nobles and Technicians are non-existent.

Dowutin Species Traits[]

Dowutins share the following Species Traits:

  • Ability Modifiers: All Dowutins receive a +2 bonus to their Strength, but suffer -2 penalties to both their Dexterity and Charisma. Dowutins are huge and muscular, have little patience or tact.
  • Large Size: As Large creatures, Dowutins take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and they gain a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
  • Speed: Dowutins have a base speed of 8 squares.
  • Natural Weapons: A Dowutin has Natural Weapons, in the form of thick claws. When a Dowutin makes an Unarmed attack, it may choose to use its Natural Weapons, dealing 1d6 points of Slashing damage with the attack instead of normal Unarmed damage. A Dowutin is always considered armed with their Natural Weapons.
  • Physically Intimidating: Dowutins use their Strength modifier instead of their Charisma modifier for Persuasion checks made to Intimidate others.
  • Survivalist: On a successful Survival check made for Basic Survival, a Dowutin can provide food and water for a number of additional beings equal to their Wisdom modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: All Dowutins can speak, read, and write both Basic and Dowuta.