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The Arkanian Offshoots are a subspecies of the Arkanians, genetically engineered by the infamous Arkanian scientists and genetic researchers in The Old Republic Era.

Known to be unscrupulous when it came to the bounds of scientific exploration, the geneticists of Arkania began to experiment on their own Species, mixing the blood of other Species with their own to create Offshoots of the Arkanian Species. These Arkanian Offshoots were first bred to excel at specific industrial tasks such as mechanical or technical work in order to relieve Pureblooded Arkanians of physical labor. One particular subspecies were bred as workers for the famed Arkanian gem mines. These people had five-fingered hands and eyes resembling those of the Human race with which their blood was mixed. With stark white skin, the Arkanian Offshoots were easily distinguished from the Purebloods and were often shunned, even if covertly. Among the other races the Arkanian's experimented with were the Sephi of Thustra, a Species of humanoids with pointed ears.

Developed in the era surrounding The Great Sith War, the Arkanian Offshoots were bred as an answer to the need for laborers to mine the vast diamond stores of Arkania. This subspecies was especially vulnerable to minor Arkanian illnesses. The Arkanian Offshoots were treated as second-class or non-citizens by the Pureblooded Arkanians, and the question over what to do with them was termed the "Offshoot Question."

Arkoh Adasca planned to use Adascorp's genetic engineering expertise to solve the problem in a generation. Indeed his grandfather, Argaloh Adasca, attempted to exterminate the Arkanian Offshoots with a plague that ravaged those of advanced age. Nearing the end of the Mandalorian Wars, Arkanian Offshoots died out and became mostly extinct due to their rather weak immune systems, along with the Arkanians halting the experiments that created more of the genetically altered subspecies.

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