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Homebrew Reference Book: Clone Wars Saga Edition Fan Sourcebook

The following traits are unusual abilities and impairments that can be used to enhance a particular character or heroic group.


Main Article: Complications

Complications are temporary special qualities that any character can acquire through the course of their adventures. Similar to smaller-scale character Destinies, Complications often help to add depth, history, and circumstance to characters, but also provide bonuses and penalties for play in-game. Like with Destinies, Complications also provide a reward for successfully overcoming it, typically bonus Force Points.


Below is a new use for a skill described in the Saga Edition Core Rulebook. This additional application of the skill can be used in any era.

Mentop (Social Sciences, Trained Only)[]

Homebrew Reference Book: Clone Wars Saga Edition Fan Sourcebook - Grand Army of the Republic (Part 1)

You can use your knowledge of the human psyche to help patients recover from their mental disorders (see Complications). A successful Knowledge (Social Sciences) check that equals or exceeds a target's Will Defense reduces the attack bonus of their disorder by 1. Should the disorder's attack bonus be reduced to +0, you may make an additional check at a -5 penalty. If this check succeeds, the Complication is cured.

Team Feats[]

The new Feat presented here is available in any era, and follows the Team Feats rules presented in Galaxy at War.

Biologist Field Team Trained in Knowledge (Life Sciences) You and your allies are noted scientists, able to work together to conduct analysis and experiments both in the field and in the lab.

Species Feats[]

The following Feats are an addition to the Species Feats found in the Rebellion Era Campaign Guide.

Aiwha Rider Kaminoan You are a gifted Aiwha Rider, and can weave your Mount through a variety of aerial or submerged maneuvers.
Analytical Detachment Kaminoan You are able to rely on logical reasoning and intelligence when others would rely on charm.
Kaminoan Grace Kaminoan Even among Kaminoans, your soft voice and fluid movements possess a regal grace that command attention and respect.

New Medic Talents[]

This section presents new talents for the Medic Prestige Class found in the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide.

New Medical Secrets[]

Listed below are new Medical Secrets for the Medic Prestige Class found in the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide.

New Equipment[]

All cloning equipment is considered Military only, limiting most players or NPCs to acquire cloning equipment on the Black Market or by planning a heist.

Brain Mapper1 5,000,000 500 kg
Brainwave Probe 10,000 1 kg
Clone Serum (per dose)1 1,000 -
Cloning Tank, Kaminoan (empty)1 2,000,000 70 kg
Cloning Tank, Spaarti (empty)1 5,000,000 200 kg
Flash Memory Pump1 25,000 25 kg
Flash Training Helmet1 1,000 2 kg
Gene Sequencer1 2,500,000 500 kg

1: See Republic Decree E49D139.41

Cloners of Kamino[]

Creators of the Grand Army of the Republic, the cloners of Kamino are some of the galaxy's most talented geneticists. If not for Kamino's superb cloning of bounty hunter Jango Fett into a fearsome, but obedient military force, the Republic would have been trampled by the Separatist droid army in short order. Below are the Kaminoans responsible for the creation of the Republic's first standing army in a millennium.

Lama Su CL 15 As Prime Minister of Kamino, Lama Su is the world's chief contact with the rest of the galaxy, and the de-facto head of the Council.
Taun We CL 10 The personal assistant to Prime Minister Lama Su, Project Coordinator for the Grand Army of the Republic.
Ko Sai CL 16 Chief Scientist in charge of the Republic's clone army project from its inception, Ko Sai is a savant in the field of genetic manipulation.
Orun Wa CL 12 Two months into the Clone Wars, Orun Wa becomes the natural choice for acting Chief Scientist.
Glorii Profus CL 5 Glorii Profus is tasked with making certain the clones are mentally capable of dealing with the stresses of combat.
Yan So CL 4 Yan So is one of the many Kaminoans overseeing the training and education of the Republic's Clone Army.
Nala Se CL 14 An experienced cloner and surgeon with a very un-Kaminoan empathy for her creations.