Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki

Every hero has to come from somewhere. Heroes don't all begin as Rebel agents, adventuring smugglers, or daring explorers. For most players,a simple history for their heroes will suffice, but other players might want to choose details in their characters' pasts that will help shape their futures. After all, the heroes are more than just members of a particular species or the sum of their training; they have defining elements in their histories that molded them into what they will become.

The background system presented here is an alternative to the Destiny system described in the Saga Edition core rulebook. The background system allows you to focus on a hero's origins rather than on an uncertain future. Gamemasters can use either the background system or the Destiny system, giving players a choice of selecting a background or selecting a Destiny. It is not recommended to use both systems together because adding another layer to the characters will affect hero complexity and party balance. To use the background system, each player chooses a single background from the event category, the occupation category, or the planet of origin category. Each category has its own rules giving special access to skills, languages, equipment, or other traits that help define who the character is and what shaped her into a hero. A character receives the benefits of the chosen background at first level, and those benefits stay with the character for life. For details on the benefits gained from each background, see the individual descriptions below.


When you choose an event background, you decide that your hero has a single, defining event in his past that put him on the path to becoming a hero. This event fundamentally shaped your character's life.It was the moment at which he took his first steps toward becoming something more than ordinary, and it continues to shape the way your hero's adventuring career develops. When you select an event background, add one of the relevant skills listed at the end of that entry to your character's class skill list, regardless of starting class.This skill represents something your character learned to do as a result of the event. Additionally, when you select an event background, your character gains a small enhancement.

Sample Events

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Campaign Guide

Bankrupt You lost all or nearly all your credits and material possessions. As a result of being nearly impoverished, you can use the Survival skill to sustain yourself in urban or civilized environments.
Conspiracy You witnessed an attempt to cover up an incredible secret and had to abandon your life for fear that the conspirators would try to silence you. As a result of trying to avoid the conspirators for so long, you have learned to spot the signs of a conspiracy.
Crippled You were crippled or seriously wounded in some way, but you have overcome the effects of that injury to become a hero. The event that left you wounded was a major catalyst for your transformation into a hero, and it has had lasting physical repercussions.
Disgraced Once you were respected, possibly even in a position of authority, but you were disgraced and lost the standing you had worked so hard to achieve. As a result of being disgraced, you have learned to hide your true identity from others.
Enslaved At some point in your past,you lost your freedom and became a slave. As a result of your slavery, you refuse to submit to such a state again, and you resist all attempts to seize you.
Exiled You were exiled from your home planet and cannot return. The event set you adrift in the galaxy and left you disconnected from everything you once knew.


When you choose an occupation background, you select an element of your character's history that defines her skills and abilities. Most heroes in the Rebellion era had some kind of job or career before they joined the fight against the Empire. When you select an occupation background, add one of the relevant skills listed at the end of that entry to your class skill list, regardless of your starting class. Your chosen skill represents something your character learned to do as a result of her occupation. Additionally, you gain a +2 competence bonus to untrained skill checks with the skills in your occupation's list of relevant skills.  

Sample Occupations

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Rebellion Era Campaign Guide

Academic You were once involved in an academic field, dedicating yourself to the pursuit of knowledge. You might have been a teacher or an instructor in a university on a Core World, or perhaps you were a researcher working to advance the galaxy's knowledge of a particular subject. Knowledge (any one skill), Persuasion, Use Computer
Celebrity You were a celebrity of some kind, and your name was known throughout several worlds or sectors, or possibly even the entire galaxy. You were a holovid star whose work was broadcast across the HoloNet, or maybe you are the son or daughter of a wealthy noble family, constantly in the public eye. Deception, Gather Information, Persuasion
Criminal You come from a criminal background and spent your early years in and out of penitentiaries across the galaxy. You were a smuggler or a small time con artist who defied the Empire's trade laws, or perhaps you were a thief who specialized in corporate espionage. Deception, Gather Information, Stealth
Executive You once had a position of influence and authority in a company or corporation. You were a rising star at an organization in the Corporate Sector, or maybe you were an important engineer at Sienar Fleet Systems. Initiative, Persuasion, Use Computer
Labor You toiled for years doing manual work. You were an assembly line worker in a droid factory,overseeing the automated manufacturing machines, or maybe you were a mechanic in an Imperial bureaucrat's vehicle pool. Climb, Endurance, Jump
Law Enforcement You used to work for a significant law enforcement agency and spent years apprehending criminals. You were a member of CorSec and served as an investigator, or maybe you trained with the Sector Rangers. Acrobatics, Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy)
Medical You come from a medical background and have learned the art of repairing the bodies of the sick and wounded. You were a doctor in a Core World medical facility, or you served as a medic on an emergency response team. Knowledge (life sciences), Treat Injury, Use Computer
Military You have experience in the military and spent time in the disciplined world of professional soldiers. You were a rank-and-file member of the Imperial Army,or you belonged to one of the many paramilitary or mercenary groups in the galaxy. Endurance, Ride, Treat Injury
Pilot You were a commercial or corporate pilot, using your skill at handling vehicles in the service of your employer. You flew the personal shuttle of an important Imperial bureaucrat, or maybe you operated a cargo transport business that was bankrupted by pirate raids. Knowledge (galactic lore), Mechanics, Use Computer
Politics You come from a political background and have learned the art of diplomacy, negotiation, and maneuvering. You were a diplomat attached to the Imperial Senate or an aide to a Senator. Deception, Gather Information, Persuasion
Technology You have a strong background in technology; either you studied how to operate or repair it, or you researched new technological advancements. You were a sensor operator aboard a planetary defense station,or maybe you were an antislicer systems expert for a large galactic corporation. Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, Use Computer

Planet of Origin

Choosing a planet of origin as a background is different from choosing an event or an occupation. When you choose a planet of origin, you are declaring that your hero was raised on a world that is not typically considered to be the homeworld for his species. For example, he might be a Rodian raised on Tatooine, or a Bothan raised on Bespin. As a result, your hero is unlike other members of his or her species. You should develop a story to explain why your hero was raised on the chosen planet. You cannot select the same planet of origin as the traditional homeworld of your species. Humans and other species that do not have a single homeworld can choose any planet described below.

When you select a planet of origin background, add two skills from the relevant skills listed at the end of that entry to your character s class skill list, regardless of starting class. These skills represents something your character learned on his or her planet of origin. Additionally, you add the bonus language given at the end of the background's description to your character's known languages.

Creating New Planetary Backgrounds

Gamemasters might want to create a planetary background for a world other than those given here. To do so, the Gamemaster should choose three skills that are relevant to the planet's history, culture, or reputation. In addition,if the planet is home to a native species, add the language of that species to the background as a bonus language. If the planet has no natives, the Gamemaster instead should choose a common trade language (such as Bocce or Sy Bisti) or High Galactic. The latter language is especially appropriate for Core Worlds and planets that pride themselves on their prestige.

Sample Planet of Origins

Alderaan You were raised on the idyllic Core World of Alderaan. Your people abandoned open warfare far in your past, and you grew up learning the values of peace, diplomacy, and freedom. Relevant Skills: Knowledge (any one), Persuasion, Treat Injury Bonus Language: High Galactic

Bakura You come from the distant Outer Rim world of Bakura. Although your homeworld experienced Imperial rule, its distance from the center of galactic events sheltered you from the worst of the Empire's atrocities. Relevant Skills: Mechanics, Treat Injury, Use Computer Bonus Language: High Galactic

Bespin You hail from the gas giant Bespin and were raised in the mining colony of Cloud City. You spent plenty of time in the casinos and hotels of the city and are familiar with the finest luxuries the Outer Rim has to offer. Relevant Skills: Deception, Knowledge (bureaucracy), Persuasion Bonus Language: Bocce

Bothawui You were raised on the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui, the center of the galaxy's most devious political maneuvers. You spent your youth in the cut-throat world of Bothan society, learning that manipulation and deception are fine arts to be savored and mastered. Relevant Skills: Deception, Gather Information, Persuasion Bonus Language: Bothese

Cerea Your home is the jungle world of Cerea. You were raised in a society where harmony exists between civilization and nature. You have learned to appreciate the natural world, and you leave few marks on the land you inhabit. Relevant Skills: Acrobatics, Knowledge (life sciences), Survival Bonus Language: Cerean

Corellia You are from Corellia, long known as the home of proud, stubborn beings. You spent your formative years rubbing elbows with hard-working citizens, expert pilots, and master shipwrights who took risks that others would consider foolish. Relevant Skills:Initiative, Knowkedge (technology), Mechanics Bonus Language: Old Corellian

Coruscant You come from the cosmopolitan planet of Coruscant, known during the Empire’s rule as Imperial Center. You have long been at the center of galactic society and are well versed in the latest cultural trends of the Core Worlds. Relevant Skills: Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy), Knowl¬ edge (galactic lore) Bonus Language:High Galactic

Dorin You were raised on Dorin, a toxic world that is the home of the Kel Dor spe¬ cies. You have learned to live in a hostile environment, overcoming great adversity as a matter of course during your development. Relevant Skills: Endurance, Survival, Treat Injury Bonus Language: Kel Dor

Duro You area native of the great orbital city-ships of Duro, and you lived on those vessels for much or all of your young life. You studied under great Duros pilots and learned how to do incredible things with a starship. Relevant Skills: Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, Use Computer Bonus Language: Durese

Fondor You come from Fondor, a world in the Tapani Sector. You grew up in a society that was deeply involved in Imperial politics, and you still take pride in your home planet's great shipbuilding traditions. Relevant Skills: Knowledge (technology), Mechanics, Use Computer Bonus Language: Bocce

Gamorr You hail from the Gamorrean homeworld of Gamorr, a forested planet ruled by warring tribes. You have learned to survive the constant violence and conflict and have become tougher as a result. Relevant Skills:Climb, Endurance, Survival Bonus Language: Gamorrean

Iridonia You are from the harsh planet of Iridonia, the home of the Zabrak species. You have learned to live among vicious natural hazards, and so surviving on a world with an unforgiving climate is second nature to you. Relevant Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Survival Bonus Language:Zabrak

Ithor You were raised in one of the floating cities of Ithor,the verdant home of the Ithorian species. You learned an appreciation for all things natural, and you know that nature can be manipulated to serve civilization's needs without devastating the wild. Relevant Skills: Knowledge (life sciences), Persuasion, Treat Injury Bonus Language: Ithorese

Kashyyyk You come from the treetop cities high above the jungle world of Kashyyyk, home of the Wookiee species. Since you were raised among Wookiees, you are aggressive and not easily intimidated. Relevant Skills: Climb, Persuasion, Survival Bonus Language: Shyriiwook (understand only)

Mon Calamari You hail from the aquatic planet of Mon Calamari, home to both the Quarren and the Mon Calamari species. You learned how to survive on the watery world and studied under great Mon Calamari shipwrights or Quarren traders. Relevant Skills:Mechanics, Persuasion, Swim Bonus Language: Mon Calamarian or Quarrenese (player's choice)

Naboo You come from the beautiful world of Naboo, the home planet of Emperor Palpatine. You have learned the value of peace, but you also know the impor¬ tance of vigilance and occasional defiance. You would go to great lengths to protect your beloved homeworld. Relevant Skills: Ride, Persuasion, Swim Bonus Language: Gunganese

Nar Shaddaa You were raised on the grimy ecumenopolis known as Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. Your upbringing in the Vertical City taught you the harsh realities of life on the fringe, and you have become devious and tough enough to survive in any den of thieves. Relevant Skills: Deception, Gather Information, Stealth Bonus Language: Huttese

Rodia You are from the humid rainforest world of Rodia,the home planet of the Rodian species. You learned the art of the hunt from Rodians who shared the world with you; as a result, you developed keen senses and hunting instincts. Relevant Skills:Climb, Stealth, Survival Bonus Language: Rodese

Ryloth You come from the dangerous world of Ryloth, home of the TwiTek species. The planet is divided in half, with a blasted hot day side and a frozen night side, and you lived in the twilight region between those extremes.You learned to fend for yourself in the perilous Twi'lek society, and you might identify with one of the planet's tribes. Relevant Skills: Deception, Persuasion, Survival Bonus Language: Ryl

Socorro You grew up on the volcanic desert planet of Socorro, a distant world on the Outer Rim teeming with criminal activity. You learned hard lessons from the smugglers, pirates, and other spacers who passed through, gaining skills that allow you to follow in their footsteps. Relevant Skills:Deception, Stealth, Survival Bonus Language: Socorran

Sullust You hail from Sullust,a volcanic world that is the home of the Sullustan spe¬ cies. You spent your formative years in the underground cities inhabited by the natives, and you might have worked for the SoroSuub corporation. Relevant Skills: Climb, Mechanics, Survival Bonus Language: Sullustese

Taris You come from Taris, the home of the swoop bike, a once-beautiful planet that is now only a shadow of its former greatness. As a youth, you lived among the tall towers of the city-planet, listening to stories of your world's past as a prominent center of galactic importance. Relevant Skills: Deception, Mechanics, Stealth Bonus Language: Sy Bisti

Tatooine You were raised on the harsh desert planet of Tatooine. You have always believed that if there is a bright center of the universe, then Tatooine is the planet farthest from it.Though you learned to eke out an existence on the dry world, you saw enough traders and spacers to dream of the wider galaxy. Relevant Skills:Endurance, Ride, Survival Bonus Language: Jawa Trade Language

Trandosha You grew up on the dangerous world of Trandosha, the home of the Trandoshan species. You learned to live among the violent and aggressive natives, and you were tough enough and strong enough not only to survive but also to prosper. Relevant Skills: Endurance, Persuasion, Survival Bonus Language: Dosh
