Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki

Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Galaxy at War

An Antipersonnel Mine is a shaped Explosive that discharges shrapnel in a cone, rather than exploding over an area. Retractable magnetic spikes on the bottom of the Mine allow it to be securely placed in the ground or attached to a metallic object, such as a Vehicle or building. It can be detonated using a Timer, a Manual Trigger, or a tripwire. Setting up a tripwire requires a DC 10 Mechanics check. Any character, creature, Droid, or Vehicle moving into a wired square detonates the Mine. Multiple Antipersonnel Mines can be linked together with an additional DC 10 Mechanics check per Mine. When one Mine is activated, all the linked Mines detonate, each dealing separate damage to all targets within the area of effect.

An Antipersonnel Mine damages everything in a 6-square cone in a direction that is determined when the Mine is placed and activated.

Weapon Type: Mines

Size: Tiny

Cost: 500

Damage: 6d6

Weight: 1 Kilogram

Type: Piercing

Availability: Military
